Readers write-in about fine dining, facial hair and tap water.
Santa Cruz
‘Cradle’ Robbing
It made me smile seeing Kurt Vonnegut’s “granfaloon” referenced in your “Hair Ye, Hair Ye” brief (Jan. 23) simply as “the term meaning…” Kurt left us several years ago and perhaps it’s a nice homage that his created words can carry on with no mention of him.
But couldn’t the layout person have landed the brief article about the whimsical beard and mustache organization on the page opposite the photo of food activist Sandor Katz on page 20? I thought you newsprint people lived for that kind of fun.
Rich Apple
Santa Cruz
Whimsical? Fun? These words are foreign to us, Rich Apple. With ‘granfaloon’ now in common usage, it seemed perhaps a little pedantic on our part to credit Vonnegut’s ‘Cat’s Cradle.’ However, we know what you mean about Sandor’s facial hair. Absolutely mesmerizing. — Editor
Deeper Problem
Re: “Tap Secret.html” (Cover, Jan. 23): Even exposés of huge companies’ use of well water and/or tap water for their supposedly “purer” bottled water do not address even more egregious matters—namely the extraordinary waste of resources for extracting petroleum from the earth and making it into plastic, the manufacturing of plastic bottles, the transportation of massive quantities of said bottles to water sources, the transportation of massive amounts of plastic bottle to consumers near and far—and, of course, the sickening waste of said water when consumers do not finish drinking it. Does anyone remember that, “progress” or not, the bottled-water industry did not exist in this nation in such massive presence until around the late 1980s? Think about it.
John Anderson
San Jose
Twice Chai
Re: “The Crash of the Flying Cigar.html” (Cover, Jan. 16): Thanks for this great article, Steve! India Joze was making waves here since the 1970s (sans restaurant from 2002-2010). And two national chai companies began in SC in the 70’s, using variations of Joze fresh-ground chai concentrate.
Those companies have fallen by the wayside, in the past few years, but Joze still offers his incredible chai concentrate—for a song!
Grant Wilson
Santa Cruz