
Reader opinions are all over the map about public safety and Santa Cruz’s angriest man.

Thanks to HSC

Re: “Santa Cruz’s Angriest Man” (Currents, Feb. 27): Mr. Collins, I respect the frustration and anger that you have; however the Homeless Services Center is not a “crack house.”

After my mom passed, and good employment became nonexistent, I found myself hungry, alone, scared and on the street in my hometown.

With no income or food, the HSC helped me lift myself back to my feet, and I am not the only one. 80% of the citizens standing in line and sometimes in the rain and freezing cold, with me for a good meal are good members of our beautiful city.

The amazing heroes at HSC are all true citizens of the United States of America. Respect.

Collins, I thank you for your time and being involved, and keep up the good work.

Caleb Radice

Road to Ruin

Re: “Santa Cruz’s Angriest Man”: Heroin addiction is Santa Cruz's biggest problem, and a needle exchange only puts more needles on our beaches and in our community. If you are going to take your life in your own hands and shoot up drugs than you should be ready to take the consequences of risking getting disease from those needles. Why should they get a clean one? Only to litter to get another clean one? I was at the park the other day and picked up a needle where my son was playing. I saw the addicted smack-ridden crew across the park and wanted to do very violent things to harm them. I think a lot of locals here feel the same way. If the city can’t do anything about it, the locals will, and it won’t be pretty. New smack users are flocking here because they know Santa Cruz gets special funding for smack users along with free needles. It’s like advertising to a dog that you will get free food if you come to Santa Cruz.

Sean Mundell

Need a Change

Re: “Santa Cruz’s Angriest Man”: Skindog is right.  The simple fact is that the police and courts in this city have their hands tied from the ultra liberal policies. And…I am a lefty liberal! But I recognize that we need a change. My mom visits, and will not go downtown to shop because of all the riff raff on Pacific Ave. Our kids are not safe to play like we were, we should recognize the brutal truths about crime and Santa Cruz, and come up with a plan, and make some changes.

Name Withheld By Request

Wait Time

Re: “Ten By Ten” (Briefs, Feb. 20): I am so glad that Mr. Philip Kramer is cavalier about the fact that over 35 percent of 180/180 clientele are not local (according to this Brief, that means they have not lived here for more than six years). He conveniently forgets to mention that the Section 8 Housing Voucher Wait List has been closed for about two years. This meant that his clients are taking priority over Santa Cruz residents who cannot even apply because this list is closed. I won't even mention the fact that even if they can get on this wait list, they would have to wait from five to eight years before it can be determined if they are eligible for the Voucher.

I am so glad that Mr. Kramer and others in the homeless service industry get a chance to help these people at the expense of deserving Santa Cruz residents. I am so glad that he gets a chance to do some “feel good” stuff while local residents continue to suffer for lack of response to their need.

Don Honda