
By now you should know that local boy James Durban will be back on the teevee box tonight, competing for a place in rock history. The scarves are back from the dry cleaners, the gel is hardening in his hair, and the bandana … well, that is gone for the evening, replaced with about a dozen silver bangles on his right arm. So what should we expect for tonight?

By now you should know that local boy James Durban will be back on the teevee box tonight, competing for a place in rock history. The scarves are back from the dry cleaners, the gel is hardening in his hair, and the bandana … well, that is gone for the evening, replaced with about a dozen silver bangles on his right arm.

So what should we expect for tonight?

Sources say that he’ll be performing “You’ve Got Another Thing Coming” by Judas Priest. Fitting lyrics too:
One life, I’m gonna live it up/ I’m takin’ flight. I said I’ll never get enough/ Stand tall I’m young and kinda proud/ I’m on top as long as the music’s loud.

And loud it will be. The same source says it is a GREAT performance (caps in the original), and hinted that the only real challenger was Brett Loewenstern (who looks like the love child of Carrot Top and a teenaged Geddy Lee of Rush). Another top secret source insists that Steven Tyler will favor James, so much so that even if the Justin Biebblehead generation fails to recognize his innate musicosity, the Aerosmith frontman will rescue James from their vapid voting (besides, who gives the vote to kids under 18 anyways?).

Stand tall, James, and kinda proud. You’re on top as long as the music’s loud.

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