According to Santa Cruz City Councilman Ryan Coonerty, the intersection at River Street and Highway 1 is the city’s “No. 1 funding priority for the last couple of years.”
According to Santa Cruz City Councilman Ryan Coonerty, the intersection at River Street and Highway 1 is the city’s “No. 1 funding priority for the last couple of years.” The severity of the problem was highlighted last week after a traffic accident at the site during rush hour caused one of the worst traffic jams on Westside in recent memory, making even the shortest commute take up to an hour or more. The problem is that improving the intersection can cost as much as $5 million, and neither state nor federal money is forthcoming.
City planners now hope that the recent accident and ensuing traffic snarl will draw attention to the problematic intersection. The Redevelopment Agency has been authorized by the city to approach the Regional Transportation Commission for half the sum needed to improve the intersection. Read more at the Santa Cruz Sentinel.