Some people want an iPad for Christmas. Other people want a rat. Still others would make do with a pair of lead boxers to wear as they go through TSA screening. But in times of recession, what most people probably want this holiday season is a steady job.
Some people want an iPad for Christmas. Other people want a rat. Still others would make do with a pair of lead boxers to wear as they go through TSA screening. But in times of recession, what most people probably want this holiday season is a steady job.
Well, Christmas is coming early this year to Santa Cruz. The United Way Santa Cruz County Community Assessment Project reports that jobs are making a comeback in Santa Cruz, with unemployment dropping from 11.3 percent last year to just 10.6 percent this year. That’s an 8 percent rise—a respectable figure in a down economy. There’s more good news too. Violent crime is down 3 percent.
There is, however a downside to the stats. Robberies are up by 23 percent, while the number of children receiving vaccinations is down by 7 percent—even as the state is dealing with increasing numbers of whooping cough deaths. And drug use is up, especially marijuana, and particularly among youth. “We need to work on that,” says Watsonville Police Chief Manny Solano. Next year may indeed be a better year, but there is still plenty of work to do. Read more at KSBW.