The Abbott Family Band performs at UCSC’s Earth Day festival this Sunday.
This Earth Day weekend might leave you itching to tackle something more fulfilling than watching reruns of Planet Earth or your DVD of Fern Gully. Here are our picks for a few ways to play outside, get your hands dirty and make a difference on behalf of our well-rounded mother this year.
Saturday, April 21
Native Habitat Restoration Work Party UCSC Natural Reserves is calling on volunteers for a morning of native habitat restoration at Younger Lagoon Reserve. Participants will pull weeds and plant native seedlings. Volunteers will meet at the giant blue whale skeleton next to the Seymour Marine Discovery Center. 10am-1pm. 100 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz. http://eight.ucsc.edu.
Beach Cleanup at Cowell Save Our Shores is hosting an Earth Day Eve beach cleanup at Cowell and Main beaches. Bring gloves, reusable buckets and water bottles. 10am-Noon. Cowell Beach. Beach St, Santa Cruz. Saveourshores.org
Earth Day Santa Cruz This event sponsored by Ecology Action and a host of other organizations is the town’s main draw. It features live music, organic wine, an electric vehicle showcase and arts and crafts booths. It will also feature an additional Save Our Shores cleanup of the San Lorenzo River, which lasts until 1pm. 11am-5pm. San Lorenzo Park. Dakota Ave, Santa Cruz. http://www.ecocruz.org
Sunday, April 22
Invasive Species Work Day Join UCSC researchers for a morning of invasive species removal in Lower Moore Creek. The team will focus on patches of French broom. 9–11:30am. Meet at the bus stop on the eastern end of West Remote Parking Lot. 1156 High St. http://eight.ucsc.edu. For more information contact Alex Jones at asjones@ucsc.edu.
Earth Day Festival This UCSC event features workshops in tai chi, yoga and hypnotherapy, as well as a rock-climbing wall and the music of local favorites like the Weathervanes and the Abbot Family Band. Free lunch too. Noon–5pm. Oakes Lower Lawn. 1156 High Street. http://eight.ucsc.edu