The FBI has been called to UCSC to investigate the possible sabotage of a professor’s SUV outside his home. According to police, the vehicle’s brake lines were cut sometime late Saturday night or early Sunday morning near the professor’s home. FBI agents are canvassing the area, looking for possible witnesses. The professor is a marine biologist which raised some particular concerns that animal rights activists may have been involved in the incident, even though this professor’s research does not use animals.
Two years ago, two biologists at UCSC were subject to similar acts of terror in response to their work. The house of one was firebombed, and the a bomb went off in the other’s car. A few days earlier, their names had appeared on a pamphlet distributed at a local coffee shop frequented by activists. In another incident, also from 2008, animal rights activists forced their way into a researcher’s home and attacked that researcher’s spouse.
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