Congressman Sam Farr faced harsh criticism in a town hall meeting at the First Congregrational Church in Santa Cruz to discuss the governments health care proposals.
Congressman Sam Farr faced some harsh criticism in a town hall meeting at the First Congregrational Church in Santa Cruz to discuss the government’s health care proposals with his constituents. While the discussion was considerably more civil than at similar town hall events throughout the country, some of the questioners used sharp language to voice their dissatisfaction with the reform. “I’m not here to condemn you as a socialist,” said one man, “but I will, however say that the policy you’re pushing is Nazi-like.” Referring to the discredited idea of “death panels,” a woman challenged Farr about “counseling sessions for seniors on how to end their life.”
Other people in the audience spoke in support of reform, and the crowd seemed about equally split between supporters and critics of the proposals. Farr avoided being drawn in by the rhetoric, and focused on addressing concerns about the content of the health care bill. Read more at ABC 7.