
Does not know his way around a kitchen.

Does not know his way around a kitchen.

American Idol fans learned something new about James Durbin last night, and even more about his partner Heidi. Despite his long face as he waited for his fate to be decided by America, it was really kinda obvious that Durbin was safe and that Jacob Lusk was “leaving on a jet plane.” But with only five contestants to winnow through, and only two guest appearances (and J-Lo is hardly a guest), Idol’s producers had to figure out how to kill an hour, when it takes just 2 seconds to say, “Jacob, go home.” Even Seacrest’s long, dramatic pauses can only go so far.

The trick was to bring in another reality host, Gordon Ramsay, the infamous chef from hell, who has no problem telling contestants on his show that their family’s time-honored recipe passed down from generation to generation makes him want to vomit.

And he did. While Jimmy Iovine coached the kids on their singing, Ramsay rated, or berated, them on their cooking. The challenge was to make an omelet. Poor James didn’t understand why his wasn’t cooking, until Ramsay saved the day and turned on the stove. Apparently James didn’t realize that fire has more uses than a prop in a piano.

So what did we learn from this episode? Probably that Heidi does all the cooking. Either that, or the Durbins keep Mickey D’s in business.

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