
Big Basin State Park could be shuttered after Labor Day. Photo by Curtis Cartier

Big Basin State Park could be shuttered after Labor Day. Photo by Curtis Cartier

Santa Cruz residents are waiting to hear which of their favorite parks will be closed due to budget cuts. While no specific parks have been named yet, it is all but certain that at least some of the county’s parks will be among those closed to the public shortly after Labor Day. About 100 of the states 278 parks are scheduled to be closed, and the state has already stopped accepting camping reservations for all but 20 parks.

The good news is that among those 20 parks that are still accepting reservations are New Brighton and Seacliff. They have the most visitors, and therefore make the most money through camping fees. Visitation and revenue are key factors for the state in determining which parks to keep open.

As the deadline approaches, Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks is doing what it can to raise money so at least some of the parks can stay open. They are focusing on the parks’ educational programs, such as that at Wilder Ranch State Park.

On the other hand, local residents would do well to take this Labor Day weekend to visit their favorite parks one last time, before they close their gates. Read more at the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

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