The event was nearly canceled after the city’s Event Permit Coordinator Kathy Agnone insisted that a guard be posted to keep 15-foot tall menorah from being stolen.
Shortly before sundown tonight, Jews from across Santa Cruz will gather downtown for the ceremonial lighting of the first candle to celebrate Hanukkah. The event was nearly cancelled after the city’s Event Permit Coordinator Kathy Agnone insisted that the local Chabad Hasidic group, which sponsors the candle-lighting ceremony, post a guard around the 15-foot tall menorah to prevent it from being stolen. Agnone later backed off, saying that it is unlikely that, “The chance that someone could steal a 15-foot tall menorah from one of downtown’s busiest corners is almost impossible.”
Though the ceremony also came under fire from atheist groups, who protested the candle-lighting in a public space, Agnone clarified that her decision was based on the logistics of the menorah, not the “content” of the event. Read More at the Santa Cruz Sentinel.