
Santa Cruz County is teetering on the red, and will have to cut $17 million out of its budget this year. Like so many other counties, it is going forward with job cuts. Over 200 county employees could lose their livelihoods, with virtually every department represented, from the Sheriff’s Office to the Probations Department and from Health and Human Services to Child Welfare.
The workers in the departments have had enough. They want the county to cut from the top where, they claim, expenses are bloated. To get their point across, they will be picketing the Government Center, starting at noon today. Some 200 people are expected to show up for the picket.

Santa Cruz County is teetering on the red, and will have to cut $17 million out of its budget this year. Like so many other counties, it is going forward with job cuts. Over 200 county employees could lose their livelihoods, with virtually every department represented, from the Sheriff’s Office to the Probations Department and from Health and Human Services to Child Welfare.

The workers in the departments have had enough. They want the county to cut from the top where, they claim, expenses are bloated. To get their point across, they will be picketing the Government Center, starting at noon today. Some 200 people are expected to show up for the picket.

Other steps proposed by the county to cut costs are a continuation of last year’s 156 furlough and no new initiatives in infrastructure developments or technology projects.
Read More at Fox 35.

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