With summer now here, people will inevitably be heading to the beach. Now the world knows what Santa Cruz natives have known for a very long time. This is one of the best beach towns in the entire United States, and the best beach town in all of California (Hear that, Long Beach? We don’t even need to add Beach to our name!).
The decision was made by Yahoo, our neighbors to the north, who know a thing or two about California beaches. They listed the “Great American Beach Towns.” a list that includes beaches everywhere from Michigan to the US Virgin Islands, and from Maine to Oregon. Along the long Pacific Coast, only two towns made the grade: Cannon Beach, Ore., and Santa Cruz.
What do they like about Santa Cruz’s beach? There’s the boardwalk, for one, and definitely beach volleyball, but what Yahoo likes best seems to be the food. They wax sentimental about Boardwalk cotton candy, but also highlight the organic, the sustainable and the hormone-free.
But most of all there is the beach itself, which reminds them of the Greek islands. You can’t say that about Michigan’s beach, which has more in common with the Arctic tundra that with Corfu in the spring.
With long days and long vacations ahead, it’s good to know that we don’t have to go far to get to one of the best beach towns in the country. We’re already living in it. Read more at Yahoo! Travel.