
They live to serve their queen (she has the longer torso). Photo by Chip Scheuer.

They live to serve their queen (she has the longer torso). Photo by Chip Scheuer.

Amazing factoids from the hive:

A queen can mate with up to 20 drones on her maiden flight, storing the sperm for years at a time.

The late Santa Cruz beekeeper Ormond Aebi harvested 404 lbs of honey from a single hive in 1974, setting what was thought at the time to be a world record.

Bees fly about 55,000 miles—around the world twice—to make a single pound of honey.

A queen bee can lay 2,000 eggs in a day.

When a worker bee finds a rich source of food, it returns to the hive and will do a dance (called a “waggle dance”) that communicates the exact angle relative to the sun other bees can fly to find it.

The worker bees make all decisions collectively—including when to move the colony or raise a new queen.

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