
Forty days. That’s how long the Flood lasted in the time of Noah, that’s how long Moses spent on Mount Sinai and that how many days there are to stock up on Snickers bars before Halloween. That’s also how long a group of Christian activists plan on protesting outside Planned Parenthood, praying that God will intervene and put an end to abortion (after all, God does not support the killing of babies, except perhaps in the Flood). The “40 Days for Life Campaign” began last night in 238 locations nationwide. Some 50 people from various local churches showed up last night to launch the event.

Forty days. That’s how long the Flood lasted in the time of Noah, that’s how long Moses spent on Mount Sinai and that how many days there are to stock up on Snickers bars before Halloween. That’s also how long a group of Christian activists plan on protesting outside Planned Parenthood, praying that God will intervene and put an end to abortion (after all, God does not support the killing of babies, except perhaps in the Flood). The “40 Days for Life Campaign” began last night in 238 locations nationwide. Some 50 people from various local churches showed up last night to launch the event.

In Santa Cruz, local anarchists have been mocking the project online and encouraging activists to do something about it. And when anarchists do something, it can be disruptive. The SCPD is concerned by possible confrontations and says that it will be “monitoring the event in general just to maintain peoples’ safety.” On the other hand, if things get out of hand and they have to increase security, they will have to approach the city for additional funding. So far, however, only one person was arrested at the counter protest last night, and that was for littering when he dropped a cigarette butt. Read more at Fox 35.

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