Andy Zenczak of Gadgetbox Recording Studios.
What do you do for a living?
I own/operate Gadgetbox Recording Studios, where I produce, record and mix music and video for independent bands and songwriters.
What would you be doing if you weren’t doing that?
I'd be hard at work devising a clever scheme to allow me to produce, record and mix music and video for independent bands and songwriters.
What do you do in your free time?
Free time is a luxury these days- I mostly find time to revel in the humor and antics of my three-year old son Oscar (who must be on a path to becoming a stand-up comic.)
What are you listening to these days?
Bon Iver's “Bon Iver” is my favorite record to emerge in the last 10 years. (there I said it). Other than that, it is likely kids' music or the creative and inspiring music of one of the dozen or so creative musicians booked at Gadgetbox at any given time.
Wished-for superhero power:
I want a magic wand that fixes stuff. I'd fix frowns and turn them into smiles. I'd fix the political system and make it actually work like they claim it should. I'd fix the calendar so we could have eight days in a week and give every single one of us a day off.
Scientific breakthrough you’d most like to see in your lifetime:
I'd love to see more technical advancements that act as conduits between our imagination and reality. I imagine being able to blink and take a picture or capture an image with just our eyes- or being able to control the faders and knobs of my mixing board by just thinking it. Being able to remove the technical obstacles between our minds and reality will one day have a tremendous positive impact on our creative experience.
Name a pet peeve.
People who try to take their 2 cents of knowledge and try stretch it into a dollar. If you don't know, don't act like you know. There's no shame in learning.
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Bowl of cereal with fruit (blueberries, raspberries, bananas.) I'm a cereal fanatic. But I'm generally a breakfast fanatic. More often than not, it's the biggest meal of my day.
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I'm a tearful guy. I'll cry at the drop of a hat. Sappy movies, good music, well-written poetry, even a 30 second commercial about a car can make me bawl embarrassingly.
What’s your ring tone?
I have two I use most often: the telephone ring from Neo's phone in the movie “the Matrix”, or an antique German telephone ringer. Oh, and my text alert is Chewbacca howling- the tender grunt, not the angry howl.