
Why So Many Local Taxes? A Talk by Mike Rotkin

Louden Nelson Community Center
Sat Oct 20 9:30am Ages: family friendly

About Why So Many Local Taxes? A Talk by Mike Rotkin

Former Mayor Mike Rotkin to Talk on Local Taxes

On Saturday, October 20, at 9:30AM at Louden Nelson Community Center (Laurel and Center Streets in Santa Cruz), former five-time Mayor of Santa Cruz and UCSC Lecturer Mike Rotkin will give a talk, sponsored by the Democratic Women’s Club of Santa Cruz County (DWC), about why local taxes keep going up.

Is this just inefficiency, wasteful spending, or employee greed in local government budgets, or are there some more structural problems in modern society and the nature of the tax system in California. Dr. Rotkin’s talk will focus on concrete examples of the forces at work to increase governmental spending at a faster rate than increases in available revenues.

The talk is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Socializing at 9:30AM and Talk at 10AM.

Free Event

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