
Walls by SF Mime Troupe

San Lorenzo Park
Sat Sep 9Sun Sep 10 3pm Ages: family friendly
a "bad hombre." What part of herself will this American give up to pass as "American?" Will she? Can she? Should she? Can someone leave part of thems a Somali refugee escaping oppression an illegal an Irish woman yearning to be American and fear of Zaniyah Nahuatl (Marilet Martinez) fear of Cliodhna Aghabullogue (Lizzie Calogero) whose family comes from... here. As a foreigner in a land her people have worked for thousands of years suddenly Zaniyah is a criminalWALLS asks the question: How can a nation of immigrants declare war on immigration? The answer: FEAR! L. Mary Jones (Velina Brown 7/1 – 8/6 // Laure

About Walls by SF Mime Troupe

“...a San Francisco musical about a criminal illegal alien lesbian with mental health issues who is in love with an immigration agent." - Breitbart News

WALLS asks the question: How can a nation of immigrants declare war on immigration?

The answer: FEAR!

L. Mary Jones (Velina Brown 7/1 – 8/6 // Lauren Spencer 7/7 – 9/10) knows all about fear.
As a top agent for I.C.E. - Immigration and Customs Enforcement - she knows how to stoke fear to keep her country safe. Fear of people like Bahdoon Samakab (Rotimi Agbabiaka), a Somali refugee escaping oppression, fear of Cliodhna Aghabullogue (Lizzie Calogero), an Irish woman yearning to be American, and fear of Zaniyah Nahuatl (Marilet Martinez), whose family comes from... here. As a foreigner in a land her people have worked for thousands of years suddenly Zaniyah is a criminal, an illegal, a "bad hombre." What part of herself will this American give up to pass as "American?" Will she? Can she? Should she? Can someone leave part of themselves behind without losing their mind? And is it better or worse that she crossed the border to find Agent L. Mary Jones - the woman she loves?

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