Adult, Classes & Lectures

Walking the Path Toward the End of Life - A Daylong Retreat

Mark Stephens Yoga
Sat Feb 6 9:30am - 3:30pm Ages: 18+
AdultClasses & Lecturesbuddhistend of life care#Meditation

About Walking the Path Toward the End of Life - A Daylong Retreat

Join us for a 2-part exploration of End of Life issues, with teachers Val Nelson and Kim Allen.
Morning program 9:30 - Noon Informal discussion during the (bring your own) lunch break. Afternoon program 1-3:30PM.
- You may attend one or both. Please bring a notebook for writing reflections.
- *No pre-registration is necessary.*
- This retreat is offered on a donation basis. No one is turned away due to lack of funds.

Morning program: Reflections: We are all aware intellectually, that we will die someday. But have we looked more carefully at our thoughts, feelings and understandings of death? The morning program will consist of Buddhist teachings, reflections and exercises that help us touch into the idea of our own death.

Afternoon program: Practicalities; Death has a practical side too. Regarding our own death or the death of a loved one, the process can proceed more easefully when we are informed about our choices. The afternoon program will introduce us to forms such as the Physicians Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST), the Five Wishes for end-of-life decisions, and other helpful organizational tools to assist in fully walking this path.

Free Event

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