Other, Classes & Lectures, Food & Drink

Vibrant Food, Vibrant Life Dinner Party

OtherClasses & LecturesFood & Drinkveganhealthy foodnutritionhealthy eatingdinner party

About Vibrant Food, Vibrant Life Dinner Party

Are you interested in the health benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet? Here is your chance to enjoy a delicious whole foods, plant based meal in community and learn about the health benefits of such a lifestyle. You will also hear about successes of past participants of the Tastes Like Love programs and get answers to your questions about Tastes Like Love.

This is a free event, but you must register everyone in your party, and you may only attend one of the parties, unless you bring a newcomer to Tastes Like Love for second and subsequent parties you attend.

Seating is limited, so register now!

Free Event

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