Food & Drink

VEG OUT Santa Cruz - Cafe El Palomar

Cafe El Palomar
Tue Sep 17 6pm - 8pm Ages: family friendly
Food & Drinkvegansustainabilitynutritionenvironmentclimate change

About VEG OUT Santa Cruz - Cafe El Palomar

VEG OUT Santa Cruz recognizes Salsa's Taco Bar for serving earth-friendly, plant forward menu options. Sign up for the celebration, and invite family and friends to join you. Show up, order a vegan meal, and support with your fork! VEG OUT Santa Cruz is a project of Eat for the Earth and Santa Cruz VegFest. We are honoring up to ten restaurants in September. To see the complete list of restaurants and dates and to register, go to and select “VEG OUT Santa Cruz – Cafe El Palomar” or any of the other VEG OUT Santa Cruz events. For more information, contact Sandi, [email protected] or (831) 325-3811.

Free Event