

bob RogersFelicia RiceLidia HasenauerSara Friedlander

About UNFINISHED BUSINESS / Spoken/Unspoken

What: Reception for exhibition UNFINISHED BUSINESS part of the Community-wide SPOKEN/UNSPOKEN series.
When: Show runs from Jan. 7th until April 7th. RECEPTION is First Friday, Feb. 2 6-8
Where: Downtown Library both floors
Who: Bob Rogers, Sara Friedlander, Felicia Rice and Lydia Hasenauer


Narrative art is art that tells a story through imagery. Artists visually narrate by using a series of images that represent a moment. The power of art is in how and what it makes us feel. Images ignite imagination.

People have always been doing narrative work in different media. Narratives exist in petroglyphs drawn on rocks, runes inscribed on walls, buildings sculpted, in paintings, prints, pottery, photographs, graffiti, and more recently in graphic comics and zines. The narrative is a universal form of human communication, a way to tell a story without the need for words. Where historically this art form celebrated wealth and glory the more recent manifestations serve as a living narrative of disenfranchised voices and a way to try to understand our selves.
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