
Tres Leches Surf Film Night

Film#surfingdocumentary filmBenefit

About Tres Leches Surf Film Night

The Tres Leches Surf Film Tour features three inspiring films that focus on Mexican and Central American surfers and their lives south of the border. “Gone” is a more traditional surf film, spotlighting talented male Mexican surfers, while “La Maestra” gives voice to a young southern Baja teacher surfer who is quietly impacting her tiny fishing town in positive ways, and “Thank You Surf Again” demonstrates how tourists can give back to the communities they visit and surf. Filmmakers will be in attendence to answer questions after the screening. Part of the proceeds benefit The Wahine Project, so please come out and support this wonderful girl positive non-profit!

Film Tour Trailer:

Tres Leches

video:Tres Leches

La Maestra Official Trailer

video:La Maestra Official Trailer
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