Classes & Lectures, Political

The Unspeakable- A Mexican Perspective, with Rafael Landerreche

Classes & LecturesPoliticalmexicononviolence

About The Unspeakable- A Mexican Perspective, with Rafael Landerreche

Thursday, May 7, 7:30p.m.
Rafael Landerreche will speak on:
The Unspeakable -
A Mexican Perspective

AT: RCNV, 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz

For over 30 years Rafael Landerreche has been engaged in promoting the theory and practice of nonviolence, and has spent over 16 years in Chiapas. He works with Las Abejas, the nonviolent indigenous organization that was the victim of the 1997 Acteal Massacre.

Rafael will speak about his work with indigenous communities in Chiapas, linking his experience there with contemporary Mexico's institutional crisis (dramatized recently by the disappearance of 43 poor college students at the hands of the government) and the shadowy forces behind the scenes. He will also discuss similar forces evident in U.S. foreign policy and in the assassination of political leaders in this country and the essential need for North-South collaboration in confronting those forces and transforming society.
Chiapas map
"The Unspeakable" is a term Thomas Merton coined at the heart of the sixties after JFK's assassination-in the midst of the escalating Vietnam War, the nuclear arms race, and the further assassinations of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy. In each of those soul-shaking events Merton sensed an evil whose depth and deceit seemed to go beyond the capacity of words to describe... When we become more deeply human, as Merton understood the process, the wellspring of our compassion moves us to confront the Unspeakable.
-Jim Douglass, JFK and The Unspeakable - Why He Died and Why It Matters
A sliding scale donation of $8-25 is suggested. No one turned away for lack of funds. For more information, call 831-423-1626 or
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