
The September Swell; an SCI Blue Wave Volunteer Open House

About The September Swell; an SCI Blue Wave Volunteer Open House

We must act NOW to take back Congress.

The November 2018 midterm elections are less than 80 days away. We all share the goal of flipping the House of Representatives from red to blue. But we live in Santa Cruz, possibly the bluest area of California. How can we make a difference in Swing Districts, where we don’t live?

The Democrats need 23 seats to flip the House. There are 14 Republican districts in California. Santa Cruz Indivisible (SCI) in partnership with Swing Left Santa Cruz have taken on the job of supporting California’s 10th, 21st, and 22nd congressional districts, all of which are flippable!

On September 8th at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, Santa Cruz Indivisible (SCI) will have a general meeting from 10-11:30 am, followed by a day of a Blue Wave volunteer open house from 1-5pm. You will be able to take short training sessions about canvassing, phone and text banking, GOTV, and writing postcards to voters. Before you leave you will be able to sign up for any Blue Wave actions that fit your schedule.

Feel intimidated about participating or don't know how to get involved? Don't! To help guide you we will have continuous, revolving, 20 min. intro sessions to learn how to effectively connect with voters using various electoral tools like: canvassing, writing postcards to voters, phone and text banking. Attend for 20 minutes or two hours, whatever fits your schedule!

This coordinated day of recruitment will be part of The September Swell, a month-long volunteer coordination effort involving other cities in Northern California organized by the NorCal Blue Wave Alliance https://www.norcalbluewave.org/. So bring your friends and family to learn about all the ways you can get involved in flipping seats.

Together we can DO THIS!!

Santa Cruz Indivisible (SCI) is a local, grassroots organization, focused on resisting the Trump agenda. SCI is part of the larger Indivisible movement started in response to the 2016 election. There are over 6,000 chapters nationally. The Santa Cruz chapter has over 4,000 members and started in January of 2017. Santacruzindivisible.org

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