Community, Festivals & Parades, Food & Drink

The Grand Opening of Liferaft Tutoring - Scotts Valley

Liferaft Tutoring - Scotts Valley
Fri Sep 30 2:30pm - 6:30pm Ages: family friendly
Community, Festivals & ParadesFood & Drinklive musiceducationfood and drinkgrand openingtutoringfree eventOpen House

About The Grand Opening of Liferaft Tutoring - Scotts Valley

From its beginnings as a door-to-door tutoring service, to the student empowerment service that it is today, Liferaft Tutoring is proud to announce its first expansion into the Scotts Valley community.

Having served Santa Cruz County for over six years through an innovative approach to education that combines organization skills, accountability techniques, and creating a support system around each student, Liferaft Tutoring has assisted many young people in developing a positive sense of achievement and helped guide people towards a future of their choosing.

In an effort to reach out to more students in the broader community, Liferaft Tutoring is opening a new office in Scotts Valley. A free open house and ribbon cutting ceremony will be held to mark the occasion.

The community is invited to join the celebration, and enjoy live music and refreshments! Attendees will also have the chance to win one of three $100 tutoring gift certificates and many other prizes!

Welcome to Liferaft Tutoring

video:Welcome to Liferaft Tutoring

Free Event

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