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The first official Jumping Flea FLEA MARKET and Jug Band sing along

About The first official Jumping Flea FLEA MARKET and Jug Band sing along

Now you may not believe this, but I have a bunch of extra ukulele stuff (CDs, strings, song books, music stands, ukulele-obelia, and even extra ukuleles!) And I bet you do too! Inspired by the announcement that there was going to be a ukulele swap/sale at Smoldering Uke, and not being able to attend… it seemed like a great idea to have one here in Santa Cruz. This will be your chance to sell and swap your ukulele-obelia at a ukulele (jumping flea) flea market. If you would like to have a table please rsvp to, Peter Thomas by email at [email protected] with "jumping flea market" in the subject line

In keeping with tradition, there will also be a sing along, and we will be singing Jug Band Music. For those of you who have not stopped by the Ugly Mug on a first Tuesday, Jug Band music is fun loving blues based folk-jazz from the 1920-30s originating out of Tennessee and Kentucky. This will be a sing & play-along event, so bring your good humor, your ukes, jugs, kazoos, washboards, guitars, fiddles, etc. and come ready to join in! Chord and lyric charts will be passed out at the event, which will be led by The Trolley Drops. Everyone is welcome and there is no cover charge.

Free Event

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