Classes & Lectures

The Feminine Journey: An Exploration of the Spiritual Journey for Women

Classes & Lectures#music#Spirituality

About The Feminine Journey: An Exploration of the Spiritual Journey for Women

'The Feminine Journey,' with Instructor Francyl Gawryn, is an exploration of the feminine psychological and spiritual journey using myth, music, story, and ancient text toward personal tranformation. Participants will be exposed to a variety of spiritually nourishing practices as well as an opportunity to explore their own spiritual journey.

It is asked that students bring one small natural item to decorate an altar, a small personal item to represent their journey, if possible a magazine to cut pictures from, and a small food item to share. Participants receive a 25 page booklet about the myth of Eros and Psyche as well as one CD of music.

Cost: $75

Instructor Francyl Gawryn is a graduate of Marlyhurst University and is passionate about music, religious studies, and the feminine archetype. She is a Certified Teacher of Centering Prayer and a Stephen Minister.

To register for the workshop, call (831) 462-1807 or visit: