About Take Back the House

the Democratic Women’s Club of Santa Cruz County will sponsor a talk by UCSC Lecturer and former five-time Mayor Mike Rotkin on Taking Back the House. Rotkin will look concretely at several California and national Congressional races where Democrats, including increasing numbers of progressive women candidates, are running for seats where Republican incumbents have decided not to run again, or polls indicate the voters are ready for a change, or demographic changes and recent electoral outcomes suggest they have an even-odds or better chance of victory. The talk will suggest ways in which local Santa Cruz citizens can get practically involved in helping these progressive candidates turn Congress around. The talk will strike an optimistic tone, which is rare these days.

There will be socializing and light refreshments at 10:00 AM followed by the talk and questions from the audience at 10:30AM. The event is free and open to the public.

Free Event

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