Classes & Lectures

Stress, Well-Being & Spirituality: Everyday Satsang

Santa Cruz Yoga
Mon Jun 6 1:30pm - 3:30pm every and 1st Monday
Ami Chen Mills

About Stress, Well-Being & Spirituality: Everyday Satsang

Please Join Ami Chen for a workshop on:

"Stress, Wellness and Spirituality: Everyday Satsang"
Learn Simple, Spiritual Principles for Everyday Life

Learn simple, psycho-spiritual principles that cross boundaries of spiritual teachings and religions, while deepening our understanding of such traditions.
Experience more ease, joy and faith at work, in family life, and in solitude.
Learn the true cause and antidote for stressful and anxious feelings.
Access your own quiet mind, and profound inner wisdom to navigate life with increased grace and ease.
Release the daily or “background” stress many consider inescapable.
No workbooks, techniques or formulas to complete, do or memorize.
This class consists of talks, dialogue and Q. and A. with participants in an informal setting, condusive to personal insight. Atmosphere is generally light-hearted and yet profound. All questions, issues and emotions brought by participants are welcome.
This workshop is $15.
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