Classes & Lectures

Strategic Partnerships-Double & Triple Your Promotional Power

Green Hills Conference Center
Wed Oct 14 8:30am - 10:30am Ages: 18+
Classes & Lecturesmarketing strategypartnershipbusiness strategy
Andy Van ValerBryce Root

About Strategic Partnerships-Double & Triple Your Promotional Power

Slingshot to Success Presents
"Rocket Fuel for the Entrepreneurial Soul" Event Series

Event 2 of 4 : Go BIG - Double & Triple Your Promotional Power with Strategic Partnerships

You’ve likely already entered a strategic partnership, but is it an effective relationship that produces results and makes great use of your time? For time-strapped business owners, we’ll make sure you have the keys to making BIG things happen with each of your partnerships. Exponentially boost your exposure, but before you get there, you need to know how to approach the right partner. At this event, we’ll give you tools to make your competition say, “Wow, how did they do that?” We’ll even create a real-life partnership live before your very own eyes.

-How to Explore Hidden Opportunities With Current Partners
-Discover Which Partners are Waiting for Your Call
-5 Easy Steps to Create Your First Strategic Partnership
-Real Life Walk Through – A Live Partnership Created Before Your Eyes
-Our Guarantee: We will help you get started on creating your first strategic partnership!
-Get started now: Post your social media questions to our Facebook wall or message us on Twitter, just use #SlingshottoSuccess
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