About Spring Healing Circle: Deep Relaxation

Spring is in the air. We can feel our bodies wanting to move and dance; we can feel our minds starting to plan and create.

The transition from the cocooning energies of Winter to the wild aliveness of Spring is best when taken with gentle pacing – especially when we are already stressed or run down. . Our culture tends to push us to hit the ground running, but a more sustainable approach is to wake up slowly and pace ourselves.

Join Joyce Leonard, Reiki Master, and Marianne Benforado, L.Ac. for a special event designed to open to the energies of Spring. During this workshop, we’ll start to gently awaken our energy, clear stagnation, and tenderly nurture our minds, bodies, and spirits.

We will have an opening circle, guided meditations, gentle movements, and ideas about pacing ourselves. We’ll end the afternoon being in a supportive position on a yoga mat, massage table, or chair with comfortable blankets and bolsters, where you can rest your mind, body, and spirit in a quiet setting. Joyce will offer community Reiki and Marianne will provide acupressure and ear acupuncture (optional).

Cost: sliding scale $25-$40
Registration required. Contact Marianne at 831-212-3090 or [email protected]
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