
Spektrum - an immersive exhibit

lille æske
Sat Jun 23 7pm every Thursday, Friday and Saturday Ages: 18+
Black MareNick JainaOlivia PepperRed Light LitTerry McCants

About Spektrum - an immersive exhibit

Spektrum is a multi-modal interactive experience. We invite you to walk through a rainbow – a progression from red to violet – slow and steady as you move through the waves.

You walk through the space and learn how to transform. That is the only goal. There is no plot or other purpose. It is a process of evolution.

No matter how many times you split a beam of light, it is never weakened and can always be rejoined from the Source.

We are all motion trapped in bodies bathed in light. We are looking to be consecrated by the stone. Many are afraid or hesitant or maybe just bored. That is okay.

One Mind conceived of perfection and expressed that through the One Thing, and in this process some of that perfection was lost. This is only natural. We want the imperfections – the dents – because that is how we end up seeing anything interesting at all.

We invite you to walk through the vestibule slowly, one person at a time. Every room will be concerned with One Color, and One Mode of your life.

In the center of this journey – in the Green Lounge – is your Special Guest for the evening. You spend time with them One On One, as you might have only ever been with a friend or a lover or a teacher. Enjoy the entertainment before you proceed on with the further beams of light.

Spektrum has its roots in old Europe. The ideas were once prized by kings, but fortunately for us they were kept secret. California is the place where miners of the 1800s searched for Gold metal in the hills. This is the proper place for a simulation of this idea that the Gold we seek is not in the ground but in our own hearts.

lille aeske is a prime venue for the American resurgence of such a wonderful discipline.
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