Music, Benefits

Sean Arlt Benefit Fundraiser

Kuumbwa Jazz Center
Sun Nov 27 1pm - 4pm Ages: family friendly
Chris Cousineau and FriendsGeoff Weers - of the ExpendablesJesse Corona - of Ribsys NickelSumma Dat

About Sean Arlt Benefit Fundraiser

This is a fundraiser for Sean Arlt's 4 year old son.

Sean Arlt, while in the midst of a mental health crisis, was tragically killed on October 16th by Santa Cruz City Police responding to a 911 call.

Sean Arlt was born and raised in Santa Cruz and graduated from Sonoma State with degrees in Psychology and Philosophy. He worked as a counselor, caregiver, tutor and lacrosse ref. He also authored the book ‘Love Manifesto’. Sean was passionate about social justice and while at Sonoma State was a contributing author to the Project Censored publication and was a Red Cross volunteer flying to New Orleans to assist in distributing food to victims of hurricane Katrina.

We’re establishing a Memorial Fund in Sean Arlt's name to benefit his 4 year old son. Your support will help Kellen have a stable life. Thank you for your support and generosity.
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