Community, Festivals & Parades, Food & Drink, Shopping

Scotts Valley Farmers Market

Scotts Valley Farmers' Market
Sat Jul 9 9am - 1pm every Saturday Ages: family friendly
Community, Festivals & ParadesFood & DrinkShoppingfarmers marketorganicscotts valley

About Scotts Valley Farmers Market

Started in 2009 with the City of Scotts Valley, the market represents farmers and specialty food purveyors along with cook-to-order food. This local market is the place for the the Scotts Valley community to get their fill of fresh, healthy, locally grown fruits and vegetables. During the summer months, SCCFM music series showcases local music and there is a shaded cafe seating area, along with space for the young ones to hang out and play. The market provides unlimited free parking and is located next to Sky Park and is across the from the new Scotts Valley Library.

Free Event

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