About Scientist Turned Comedian, Tim Lee

A creative blend of stand-up comedy with science. Tim Lee is a comedian with a Ph.D. who’s featured on Science Channel’s How Do They Do it.
“You know how Larry the Cable Guy’s act pretty much consists of him yelling “Git ‘er done!” every five minutes or so? Scientist-turned-comic Tim Lee’s material is the diametric opposite. Lee, who got his PhD before realizing where his true talents lay, blends science talk with comedy. The hilarious result is like what would happen if you crossed your high-school chem teacher with George Carlin” – The Boston Phoenix
This performance is eighty minutes long with no intermission and is appropriate for ages 12 and above due to subject matter. MainStage | $31 Cabaret seating, General seating: $27 adults, $12 students (21 & under)/children (12 & under)/$22 Groups 5 or more available by phone/walkup only Ticket prices include a $2 Facility Use Fee Other fees, depending on method of purchase, may also apply Lap passes are not available for this performance