About Science Sunday

A Seal Named Patches:
What Weddell Seals Taught Us about Life at the Bottom of the World

Sunday, November 19, 2017, 1:30 PM

Roxanne Beltran, Ph.D. Student
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Patrick Robinson, Ph.D.
Año Nuevo Island Reserve Director

During the warmest days of the year, Antarctica’s Weddell seals rest on the ice, soak up the sun, and replace their fur coat in a process called molting. Roxanne and Patrick study the molt and how it impacts the seals’ abilities to dive deep, stay warm, and raise pups in the harshest environment on the planet. For their research, they fly halfway across the world, wear thick cold-weather gear, and travel by snow machine and helicopter to search for the seals.

Join these Antarctic explorers as they discuss the logistics of Antarctic research, recent research findings, and their newly-released children’s book (for ages 5-8) that infuses learning with the excitement of scientific discovery! Come for the science, bring the kids, and stay for the book signing in the exhibit hall.

A Special Family Friendly Science Sunday!
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