Arts, Clubs, Community, Festivals & Parades, Attractions

Santa Cruz Bonsai Kai 29th Annual Exhibit

Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History (MAH)
Sun Apr 9 10am - 5pm Ages: family friendly
ArtsClubsCommunity, Festivals & ParadesAttractionsmuseumartsculpturetreesshowsantaannualbonsai
Eric Schrader Bonsai Demo Saturday 2 pmMartial Arts Performance Sunday 11 amSensei Katsumi Kinoshita Bonsai Demo Sunday 2 pmTaiko Drumming Performance Saturday 11 am

About Santa Cruz Bonsai Kai 29th Annual Exhibit

The Santa Cruz Bonsai Kai is a local club devoted to promoting and teaching bonsai as an art form. The beautifully exhibited trees may be seen from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. both days and are the product of many years of horticultural development and artistic creativity. A bonsai is actually a living sculpture and an art form that dates back at least 3000 years.

The highlight of the show will be at 2:00 p.m. each day when Bonsai Masters Eric Schrader (Saturday) and Sensei Katsumi Kinoshita (Sunday) will demonstrate the techniques of creating an artistic tree from common nursery stock. The newly created bonsai tree will then be offered in a raffle drawing along with other trees and items donated by club members. These trees have been cared for, designed, wired, and potted in bonsai pots so individuals winning the tree/s can begin enjoying this art form immediately. Other activities: Taiko Drumming Performance, Saturday 11 a.m., Martial Arts Performance, Sunday 11 a.m.

Additionally, there will be sales of bonsai and pre-bonsai trees. Sales area will have new trees each day. DVD of previous shows available for sale. Door prizes as well as free tea and cookies are also offered at the show.

Entrance to the bonsai show and the Museum is $5.00 per person but well worth the investment.

Regular meetings of the Santa Cruz Bonsai Kai are held at 9 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month at the Live Oak Grange Hall, 1900 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz. Visitors are always welcome.
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