Music, Dance, Food & Drink, Happy Hour

Santa Cruise Tuesdays

The Blue Lounge
Tue Feb 13 7:30am every and 2nd Tuesday Ages: 21+
MusicDanceFood & DrinkHappy Hourfoodcountryfood truckmotorcyclebeerbluegrassrock and rollbike night
Chuck Suck ItPandhandlers Union

About Santa Cruise Tuesdays

Ride um, don't hide em. Cruise those freedom machines down to the Blue Lounge. The street will be blocked off out front with plenty of parking for bikes. Ate3one food truck will be serving all the goods including naughty fries, brisket sandwiches, and philly cheesesteaks so come hungry. 8:30 Panhandlers Union will play, followed up by one man band Chuck Suck-It. Party till 2! Tons of drink specials and as always 2$ Beers and 6$ PBJ's

Free Event

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