Classes & Lectures

Sanskrit Mantra for Spiritual & Material Attainment

Mountain Spirit
Sun Mar 20 3pm - 5pm Ages: 18+
Classes & LecturesmeditationspiritualsoundpracticeHealingom
David Fahncke

About Sanskrit Mantra for Spiritual & Material Attainment

This workshop will focus on the exploration and experience of the subtle energies from mantras and puja to enhance health, balance and spiritual growth.

Chanting Workshop 3pm - 5pm, Cost: $20
Ganesha Puja Ceremony 5:30pm - 6:30pm Donation Basis
Participants may attend one or both events.

Madam H.P. Blavatsky, In The Secret Doctrine, writes: The speech of men of earth cannot reach the Lords … Each must be addressed in the language of his respective element… It is composed of sounds, not words; … Thus this language is that of incantations or mantras, … sound being the most potent and effectual magic agent, and the first of keys which opens the door of communication between Mortals and the Immortals.
Mantras are useful in:

1. Removing Obstacles
2. Improving Health
3. Finding & Improving Relationships
4. Helping with Educational Progress
5. Removing Negative Energy
6. Clearing Personality “Flaws”
7. Transmuting Negativity and Harmful Traits into Useful Energy
8. Assisting in Matters of Love, Wisdom and Creativity
9. Accelerating One’s Personal Spiritual Journey

David Fahncke (Maheshwara), Vedic priest, pujari, teacher of Sanskrit mantra and a student of the late Guru Namadeva Acharya (Thomas Ashley-Farrand).
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