Community, Festivals & Parades

Sand Hill Farm Native Plant Restoration

Sand Hill Farm
Sat Jan 7 9am - 12pm Ages: 18+
Community, Festivals & Paradesvolunteer#environmentalcleanup

About Sand Hill Farm Native Plant Restoration

The 107-acre Sand Hill Farm is a critical piece of the puzzle to ensure the health of the Elkhorn Slough. Perched above the slough, this land was conventionally farmed for decades. Over time the steep, sandy hillsides eroded and deposited sediment in to the waterway. Now, Elkhorn Slough Foundation staff and volunteers have removed thousands of pounds of agricultural trash and healed deep erosion scars and it’s time for native plants to reclaim this land, creating habitat for wildlife. Join us for a morning of rugged and rewarding work helping us restore these important watershed lands.

All volunteers must register in advance:

Please consider that these projects involve walking on steep, uneven terrain and may not be suitable for everyone. These projects are best for individuals 16 years of age and over.