About Sanctuary Steward Crash Course

Do you want to get involved with Save Our Shores at a higher level? Are you passionate about ocean conservation, clean boating, marine education, and plastic pollution and/or waste reduction?

We are hosting a Sanctuary Steward Crash Course to train passionate individuals how to lead beach cleanups and other Save Our Shores outreach events. Save Our Shores would not exist without our fabulous Sanctuary Stewards, they are our backbone and what make us such a community driven organization! Did we mention there will be free food and beverages?

Our Crash Course is a two-day training. From 5:30-9 p.m. on Thursday, January 14 at our office in the Harbor (345 Lake Ave, Suite A), we will go over general logistics, get to know one another and talk about what it means to be a Sanctuary Steward. After the in-house training, we require all participants to go to a beach/river cleanup the following week or two to see what it’s like to lead a beach cleanup. It’s a quick crash course, but a great leap into becoming an integral part of Save Our Shores!

If you are interested in getting involved, please RSVP directly to Matt Miller, Program Manager at Save Our Shores at 831-462-5660 Ex. 5 or Matt(at)saveourshores.org.

Sanctuary Stewards Crash Course

video:Sanctuary Stewards Crash Course

Free Event