
Salsa Rueda series Beg 2 & Inter


About Salsa Rueda series Beg 2 & Inter

Join us for a 5-week series class in Rueda de Casino for Beginner 2 and Intermediate!
5 Thursdays from 8 to 9pm: June 2 to June 30.

No partner required. Minimum: 6 people. Age 16+.
Need to know all the basic in Rueda plus following: el uno, setenta, setenta corona, sombrero, Kentucky.
We will learn some new partner moves and some group moves but the focus is on having fun which means making sure that you are very comfortable with what we learned and lots of dancing.
Two experienced and fun instructors who studied in Cuba, will review every week and build up.

$35 if pre-registered by May 26 (reg $42).
Drop-ins are still welcome for regular drop-in fee ($9) and need to know the moves (see above).

Contact Chris & Jessica to register.
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