
Rosh Hashanah Erev / Shofar Service with Kolaynu

Dawn ImadaJonnie Pekelny

About Rosh Hashanah Erev / Shofar Service with Kolaynu

Rosh Hashanah Erev / Shofar Service
Sunday September 29, 2019
6:45 PM Gather so we can start promptly at 7 PM
with Jonnie Pekelny and Dawn Imada

Kolaynu: The Progressive Jewish Voice of Santa Cruz, invites community, friends, and loved ones to join us in celebrating the High Holidays with our unique services which are warm, spiritual, participatory, egalitarian, progressive, creative, joyful and peace-oriented.

We welcome individuals and families of every configuration and orientation, interfaith, questioning, and friends of Jews.

No tickets necessary. Contributions of any amount are gratefully accepted and deeply appreciated to cover the cost of the facility and printed materials (suggested donations in units of “chai” (18), for “life”, are in keeping with the spirit of the season). No one is turned away for lack of funds.

Come as you are; no need to dress-up (as much as possible, please refrain from wearing fragrances for the comfort of those who may be sensitive). Please feel free to bring flowers, photos and mementos to adorn the mishkan (altar).

Call (831) 475-3313 for more information or [email protected]
See: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KolaynuEvents/

For many years, Kolaynu High Holiday observances have been a Creative community option in Santa Cruz.

Kolaynu services are --

Progressive: recreating traditional Jewish ritual so as to more accurately reflect contemporary Jewish values;

Egalitarian: blending new liturgy and feminine voices with traditional prayers and blessings;

Participatory: offering opportunities for all who attend to share in reading aloud and facilitating the service. We sing together.

Both women and men facilitate the holiday celebration. Our co-facilitators are volunteers.

Our service is also Peace-Oriented. Kolaynu has its roots firmly planted in beliefs of working towards social justice, human rights, and peaceful coexistence all around the world. Please join us on these High Holidays and share your thoughts, your spirit, and your energy, as we all face the challenges of making the world a better place in the year ahead.

We sing together in joy and peace. All are welcome!

Pacfic Cultural Center, 1307 Seabright Ave at Broadway, Santa Cruz CA 95062
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