Classes & Lectures

Prenatal Yoga

Pacific Cultural Center / Ashtanga Yoga Institute
Wed Feb 19 12pm - 1:30pm every Wednesday Ages: 18+
Classes & Lecturesyoga#yogaprenatal yoga
Hannah Muse

About Prenatal Yoga

Welcoming women in all trimesters, this class offers safe and supportive yoga to expecting mothers. No experience necessary.

Hannah loves teaching yoga to all sentient beings, and feels especially honored to teach to mamas and little ones. She is eternally grateful to her teacher Baba Hari Dass, and all of the other truly inspiring teachers on her yogic path in the Ashtanga, Hatha, Iyengar and Anusara practices. Her greatest teacher of all is her daughter Ruby Bea, who endlessly inspires her to consciously evolve, and often more importantly, to laugh.

New student passes 5 classes for $30 at Pacific Cultural Center / $15 drop-in
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