
Natural Healers Network monthly meeting

The Center For Source Healing
Wed May 17 9:30am - 11am every and 3rd Wednesday
Otherbusiness networkingnatural healingalternative & holistic healthhealers

About Natural Healers Network monthly meeting

The Natural Healers Network is a group of dedicated holistic practitioners who meet monthly to inform, inspire and bounce ideas off of one another. Our goal is to build powerful relationships and depth of resources with the purpose of growing each of our businesses. We support each member to become a more effective and invaluable natural health practitioner. If you are interested in collaborating with other healers and learning more about all modalities of healing, please join us!

All holistic practitioners are welcome, bring friends and colleagues. Bring plenty of business cards, promotional materials and positive energy. Please note the following:
• We suggest a donation of $5.00 toward the use of the meeting venue.
• This is a fragrance-free environment.
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