About Migration Festival

Fly, swim, waddle, walk, bike or drive as you migrate to Natural Bridges State Beach for a full- day of activities that celebrate the migration of whales, butterflies, birds and the many creatures that travel. The park will host migratory animal talks, active kids’ games, crafts, skits, live music by the nature-loving 5M’s Band, educational booths and displays, along with the now-famous free habitat-cake served at the end of the event. You can purchase a picnic at the park or bring your own. Parking is $10 and supports the park.

Come explore the FREE Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students (PORTS) program and participate in a live video-conference with Ranger Rhiannon. Learn how California State Parks can bring students and teachers to parks across California, live from the classroom! Last year PORTS served almost 50,000 California students – drop by the booth and learn how we can serve your local schools, districts, students and teachers!

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