
M. Lockwood Porter + John Calvin Abney

lille æske
Sun Nov 24 8pm Ages: family friendly
Musicindie musicFolk Music
John Calvin Abney and Chris PorterM. Lockwood Porter

About M. Lockwood Porter + John Calvin Abney

M. Lockwood Porter's Communion in the Ashes is a rallying cry for the hopeless and heartbroken, its lyrics set to a soundtrack of anthemic heartland rock & roll. This is a record that addresses our modern-day social problems from a perspective of hope, encouraging those who listen to focus on activism and community-building rather than despair. Along the way, Porter delivers some of the most engaging, electrifying songs of his career, rooting these melodic calls-to-action in the stomp and epic swagger of a five-piece road band. www.mlockwoodporter

Safe passage, in any case, is a porch light lit, a proverbial lighthouse in the miles of vast darkness, a hope. A hope of making it through, one way or another, without losing yourself or what you hold dear.

On the gentle opener to John Calvin Abney’s new album, he draws a line between himself and the expectations of others. The weight of those judgments, wanting to be what others have wanted from him, has always sat heavy on Abney’s heart—the depths of which he’s plumbed for plenty of albums’ past—but here, he’s distilled that pressure and perhaps his own past posturing down to the most fundamental human desire.

M. Lockwood Porter - The Dream Is Dead (Official Music Video)

video:M. Lockwood Porter - The Dream Is Dead (Official Music Video)

John Calvin Abney - "Always Enough" (Official Music Video)

video:John Calvin Abney -
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