About Loosen Up and Have Fun with Acrylics

Painting from the heart and loosening up are fundamentals of this class. We work fast and loose, layering our canvas with color, blocking in shapes, and adding definition to create a beautiful masterpieces. I want to introduce you to the fun of paint, we will use spray bottles and drip, splat, brush,even use our hands to create magic. We work on several canvases at a time, producing much work. The more you make, the better the results. Themes change every session. Many students repeat the class as it gives them a valuable critique of their work, and time and space to commit to a regular art practice.

Instructor Carrie Clayden is a professional artist and teacher. Carrie graduated from UCSC in 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies and Fine Art in 1995. Her studio isat 17th Avenue and her work can be found on her website www.carrieclayden.com
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