
Living in a Horror Movie and The Global Climate Strike

Sun Sep 15 5pm - 6pm Ages: 18+
Political"community radio"climate changetalk show
Dr. Nancy Glock-GrueneichStan Rushworth

About Living in a Horror Movie and The Global Climate Strike

On KSQD 90.7FM "Be Bold America!":
(Listen live, worldwide, streaming online @ksqd.org)

The horror movie has begun. Global fire. Oceans rising. Pestilence. The movie is getting more frightening every minute. Will it have a good ending? What part can our American democracy play? What role can you play during the Global Climate Strike Week Sept. 20-27?

Listen to Nancy-Glock-Grueneich, Host of "The Future We Need and How to Get It" television series and Stan Rushworth, Cabrillo College Instructor Emeritus of Native American Literature and Critical Thinking, to discuss democracy’s power for good or evil, in fighting the climate crisis and to learn how you may participate in many local climate strike events.

Free Event

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